Brendan Grigg

Senior Lecturer

College of Business, Government and Law

place Law & Commerce
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Brendan was admitted to practice in 1998.

Before joining the Flinders Law School in 2010 Brendan practised in native title law and environmental law at the South Australian Crown Solicitor's Office. This included a role as in-house solicitor to the South Australian Environment Protection Authority. He has also practised at a specialist planning and development law firm in Adelaide.

BEc(Adelaide), LLB(Hons)(Adelaide), BA(Hons)(Flinders), MCL (Adelaide)
Honours, awards and grants

Brendan received a Faculty of Education, Humanities and Law Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2013 and won a Flinders Embedding Transition Pedagogy Principles Across the First Year Curriculum Grant in 2014 ($4000) with Mary Heath and in 2016 ($4000).

In 2014 he was a visiting scholar at the Department of Political Science of the Università Roma Tre, in Rome, Italy.

Brendan is a Chief Investigator on the Australian Environmental and Planning Law Library (LE190100061) awarded by the Australian Research Council's Linkage Infrastructure Equipment and Facilities Grant 2019.

Topic coordinator
LLAW9601 The Australian Legal System
LLAW9606 Property Equity and Trusts
LLAW2313 Property Equity and Trusts
LLAW3242 Environmental Law
Topic lecturer
LLAW3221 Real Property Law
LLAW9606 Property Equity and Trusts
LLAW2313 Property Equity and Trusts
LLAW9601 The Australian Legal System
LLAW3242 Environmental Law

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